
The five events of the Tartu Maratoni Klassik race series bring over 30,000 participants to our tracks each year. Add the people that come to cheer on our marathoners, and the number doubles. Our goal is to use environmentally sustainable solutions as much as possible; that includes supporting our guests in making nature-friendly choices.


Our environmentally sustainable actions involve:

  • Since 2023 the year-round maintenance of the Tartu ski marathon track is done using Nest MY renewable diesel. By doing so, our emission of greenhouse gasses is reduced by ca 17 000 kg/CO2 and our carbon footprint is cut down by 90%.
  • We sort the waste materials at our events to enable more efficient waste management.
  • There are marked waste areas on the race course where one can dispose of their waste (drink bottles, gel tubes etc.). That way, we are keeping nature clean.
  • We use tap water at the service points instead of bottled water and save hundreds of plastic bottles every year.
  • We only use reusable dishes and cutlery at the finish catering. They are washed after the events and reused.
  • Rattaralli and rattamaraton water bottles are gathered, washed and reused.
  • We no longer hand out single-use plastic bags to participants for storing their items. That way, we save tens of thousands of plastic bags every year.
  • We produce our merchandise (including ski and cycling clothes, t-shirts, hats and scarves) from repurposed and certified textiles.


Recommendations for the visitors:

  • Come to the event by public transport, marathon bus or bike.
  • When arriving by car, use Neste MY environmentally friendly diesel. That way, you reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses of your ride by 90%. Also, using cleaner fuel means fewer carbon deposits in your car's engine.
  • Share a car with friends!
  • Bring a bag to store your items.
  • Return all the cups and dishes to the organiser - we can reuse them.
  • When sorting the waste, pay attention to the labels on the bins. If needed, you can also ask for help from our green ambassador.
  • At rattaralli and rattamaraton, bring your own water bottle and ask for refills at the service points.