
Tartu Maratoni Klassik 2024

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Public sport events organized by Club Tartu Maraton have offered continuous physical activity opportunities throughout the years. With new additions to our event calendar during the years, the name and format of our event series has changed. But the aim is still the same - to keep up the sporting spirit.


Series ranking started under the name of Tartu Triple Event in 1983 with the launch of Tartu Sügisjooks (Tartu Autumn City Run). Tartu Triple Event consisted of Tartu Marathon, Tartu Sügisjooks (renamed as Tartu Jooksumaraton / Tartu Running Marathon in 2000) and Tartu Rattaralli (road cycling).


In 1998 the first Tartu Rattamaraton (MTB) took place and after the event had a great start, it was decided that in 2000 the Triple Event series will be expanded into four-event Tartu Complex Event. Unfortunately the Tartu Marathon was cancelled that year due to lack of snow and therefore season rankings in the series were not determined. Actual Complex Event ranking started the following year, 2001.


2007 saw addition of Tartu Rulluisumaraton (inline roller skating) and 2012 Tartu Linnamaraton (Tartu City Marathon). Again the renewal of the series was necessary. In 2015 Tartu Complex Event was replaced by Tartu Maraton Cube. This new format valued participation in shorter distances more than before. Also it became possible to combine different distances more easily while participating in the series. Up to four best results from the six possible events was taken into season rankings for each participant. It meant that if a participant took part in all six, only their four best were considered for the final point score and ranking. Short distances gave points as well, but fewer than longer distances of the same events.


In 2022 we once again updated the series that binds together all the major sport events that the Club organizes. Because all of our mass participation public sport events are with long and strong traditions, the new series is named Tartu Maraton Klassik. A participant who has finished any distance in each and every one of the season's events, gets awarded with the title of series accomplisher.


  • Tartu Triple Event winners

    1983 andmed puuduvad  
    1984 Kaarel Schmidt Leili Teeväli
    1985 Paul Vaard Ene Aigro
    1986 Jüri Kull Ene Aigro
    1987 Kaarel Schmidt  Ene Aigro
    1988 arvestust ei peetud  
    1989 arvestust ei peetud  
    1990 arvestust ei peetud  
    1991 Viktor Guljajev Kaja Mulla
    1992 arvestust ei peetud  
    1993 Margus Tamm Karin Laine
    1994 Peep Koidu Aino Sirkel
    1995 Kaupo Sabre Ene Aigro
    1996 Alvar Kütt  Ene Aigro
    1997 Meelis Aasmäe  Tiina Pallas
    1998 Peep Koidu  Ene Aigro
    1999 Allar Kivil   Ene Aigro
  • Tartu Complex Event winners

    2000 arvestust ei peetud  
    2001 Raimo Raudik Ene Aigro
    2002 Anti Arak  Ene Aigro
    2003 Margus Püvi Signe Parm
    2004 Margus Püvi  Signe Parm
    2005 Margus Püvi Anu Taveter
    2006 Rait Pallo Katrin Mauring
    2007 Rait Pallo Katrin Mauring
    2008 Allan Oras Tea Pärnik
    2009 Raul Olle Signe Parm
    2010 Rait Pallo Signe Parm
    2011 Rait Pallo Alma Sarapuu
    2012 Rait Pallo Signe Parm
    2013 Allar Soo Signe Parm
    2014 Allar Soo Reeda Tuula
  • Tartu Maraton Cube winners

    2015 Kert Keskpaik Reeda Tuula
    2016 Allar Soo Sille Puhu
    2017 Sander Linnus Sille Puhu
    2018 Sander Linnus Reeda Tuula-Fjodorov
    2019 Sander Linnus Reeda Tuula-Fjodorov
    2020 arvestust ei peetud  
    2021 Indrek Hubel Reeda Tuula-Fjodorov
  • Tartu Maraton Klassik winners

    2022 Kristo Prangel Ann-Christine Allik
    2023 Kristo Prangel Ann-Christine Allik