
Tartu Maratoni Klassik 2024

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Since 2022, the race series Tartu Maratoni Klassik steps into the shoes of former Tartu Marathon Cube.


Tartu Maratoni Klassik offers the joy of sports and regular workout all year round. The race series unites all the events organised by Club Tartu Marathon per season. Just choose the most suitable distance and join us on skiing, cycling, running or walking tracks!


If you can´t participate in the main marathon day, choose the virtual race format. In all of our events it is possible to make the race on your own location for a longer period of time.

Participants, who finish all the events of the season, will be recognized with a season medal and a diploma. Also virtual participations count.


For the ones aimed at athletic achievements, the series ranking and rewarding takes place at the end of each season.


In 2024, Tartu Maratoni Klassik includes:

  • 50. Tartu Maraton
  • 42. Tartu Forest Marathon
  • 43. Tartu Road Race
  • 27. Tartu MTB Marathon
  • 13Tartu City Marathon