26.05 - 05.06.2024

Top-notch cycling festival.
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During the years when the Olympic Gold medalist of 1976 and world champion Aavo Pikkuus had made cycling extremely popular, the idea of organizing a cycling race similar to Tartu Maraton was brought alive. The main bigwig was the famous cycling coach Rein Kirsipuu.

The first Tartu Rattaralli took place in May 1982 and started from the main square of Tartu. That year, there were 362 riders in the finish. Many serious fights and discussions were held to decide the right distances and level of difficulty. As there had not been any similar races in Estonia, at first the long and difficult distances frightened everyone. But when the riders finished the first race in Põlva, 46,7 km from Tartu, the organizers saw that the fear was meaningless: riders also rode their bikes back to Tartu.

The positive message from those riders encouraged about 1000 people to take part in the next race. Many different vehicles were used, and that is why ranking was classified: road bicycles, professionial bicycles, tandems and foldable bicycles. The course of Tartu Rattaralli has varied within years. Present 133 km from Tartu to Otepää and back through Elva has been the same for many years. Start and finish are in the same place – by the Aura Center in the city center of Tartu. Because of different road work in 2007, the race was held on an original course from Tartu to Põlva, and then following the old Võru road to Otepää and then back to Tartu. This course was very warmly accepted by the participants.

In 1984 – 1989 Tartu Rattaralli had ca 3000-4000 participants per year. Political changes decreased the numbers drastically. The new growth started in 1998 and 1999. Present Tartu Rattaralli races have altogether over 4000 participants on main event and over 3000 on childrens' event. The popularity is largely grown also thanks to the professional riders. For fanciers the race still remains as a competition with themselves, their friends or neighbours!

Tartu Rattaralli also has it’s position as the biggest cycling race in neighbouring countries. Accompanied by the UCI Europe Tour class 1.1 race it is the final event of the May’s cycling festival Estonian Cycling Weekend. 


  • Tartu Rattaralli winners

    1982 Oleg Ljadov EST  Erika Salumäe EST
    1983 Mihkel Joosep  EST  Anda Kirilova LAT
    1984 Riho Suun EST  Tatjana Tshirkina EST
    1985 Arvi Tammesalu EST  Inguna Putninja LAT
    1986 Toomas Kirsipuu  EST  Inguna Putninja LAT
    1987 Vladimir Poltoratski  KAZ  Elita Gusaka LAT
    1988 Uldis Ansons LAT  Tatjana Volkova RUS
    1989 Arnolds Urdis LAT  Galina Naumova RUS
    1990 Lauri Resik  EST  Lilja Beljajeva RUS
    1991 Jaan Kirsipuu  EST  Tiina Pallas EST
    1992 Janek Ermel  EST  Tiina Pallas EST
    1993 Lauri Resik EST  Siiri Plaan EST
    1994 Marko Rebane EST  Tiina Pallas EST
    1995 Margus Salumets  EST  Riina Toomis EST
    1996 Janek Ermel EST  Tiina Pallas EST
    1997 Lauri Resik EST  Riina Toomis EST
    1998 Alges Maasikmets EST  Tiina Pallas EST
    1999 Lauri Aus EST  Riina Toomis EST
    2000 Jaan Kirsipuu  EST  Riina Toomis EST
    2001 Jacky Durand FRA  Riina Toomis EST
    2002 Janek Tombak EST  Grete Pedmanson (Treier) EST
    2003 Erki Pütsep EST  Grete Treier EST
    2004 Jaan Kirsipuu  EST  Grete Treier EST
    2005 Andrus Aug  EST  Evelin Ansip EST
    2006 Alexandr Khatuntsev RUS  Laura Lepasalu EST
    2007 Lukasz Podolski POL  Grete Treier EST
    2008 Aidis Kruopis LTU  Liisa Ehrberg EST
    2009 Janek Tombak EST  Maaris Meier EST
    2010 Vytautas Kaupas LTU  Grete Treier EST
    2011 Jimmy Rönn SWE  Liisi Rist EST
    2012 Rene Joergensen DEN  Grete Treier EST
    2013 Gert Jõeäär   EST  Grete Treier EST
    2014 Samuel Pökälä FIN  Liisa Ehrberg EST
    2015 Andrii Kulyk UKR  Liisa Ehrberg EST
    2016 Matti Manninen FIN  Liisa Ehrberg EST
    2017 Jonas Ahlstrand SWE  Liisi Rist EST
    2018 Karl-Patrick Lauk  EST  Kelly Kalm EST
    2019 Gleb Karpenko  EST  Kelly Kalm EST
    2022 Romet Pajur EST  Malin Eriksen NOR
    2023 Norman Vahtra EST  Matilda Frantzich SWE
    2024 Mihkel Räim EST  Elisabeth Ebras EST




