
Celebrate the jubilee at the Vintage race


In 2024, Tartu Maraton will reach the 50th edition. For the jubilee celebrations, everyone is welcome to join the time true Vintage race! It takes place on February 17, just a day before the traditional classical distances. 

Vintage skiers in Tartu Maraton. Author: Kiur Kaasik.

The race is 31 km, and the course runs between Arula and Elva. Skiers are expected to come with the old-time equipment and outfit used before the year 2000. The older the merrier! Organizers do not check it in the start, it is up to every skier to look as time true as possible. Vintage skiers have their own separate start, special old school bib and a retro diploma in the finish. And it is also valid for the Worldloppet Silver stamp!


Course master Assar Kütt confirms that on that day, the track is made with retro skiers in mind. “As the Saturday race day is for the FT, there will be 2-3 classical tracks through most of the course. And specially for Vintage, there will also be tracks wide enough to go with wooden skis,” he explains.


More info about the Vintage race is available HERE.


The 50th Tartu Maraton takes place on February 17-18, 2024.  Saturday is the opening day and in addition to the Vintage, there are 31 km skating race and team relay for 3 members taking place. All the Saturday events suit well as a warmup for the legendary classical distances awaiting the skiers on Sunday. 


Full race program is available HERE