
Julius Wahome won the Tartu Forest Marathon


Today, Kenyan Julius Muriuki Wahome won the most popular distance (21 km) of the Tartu Forest Marathon. Rait Ratasepp triumphed on the royal 42 km distance.

The winner Julius Muriuki Wahome. Author: Adam Illingworth

Wahome finished with a time of 1:07:56, followed by Karel Hussar (+07) and Roman Fosti (+04:14).


"This was my first time running in Elva, and I really liked the course," explained Wahome. "I set a comfortable pace at the beginning, and Julius and Fosti fell behind a bit immediately. I hoped I could go ahead alone, but at the 12th kilometer, Julius caught up with me, and we played cat and mouse until the end," explained Karel Hussar, who finished second in the half marathon.


In the women's competition, Liis-Grete Arro triumphed in the 21 km distance (1:20:27). Second to finish was Kertu Kula (+05:32), followed by Evelin Talts (+06:17).


"The course was very enjoyable, and I really liked it. The weather was also superb," commented Arro on her victory, adding that she came to the starting line with thoughts of victory on Mother's Day.


A total of 186 runners took on the longest, 42 km distance today. Victory went to Rait Ratasepp (2:37:47). Second to finish was Joosep Tammemäe (+08:38), followed by Henri Roos (+12:12).


Among women, Külli Sizask finished first (03:17:50), followed by Lilian Jõesaar (+01:09) and Julia Rakitina (+06:11).


A total of 5003 runners participated in the Tartu Forest Marathon events. It is possible to participate in virtual runs until May 19th.


The next event in the Tartu Maraton Klassik series is the 43rd Tartu Rattaralli, which will take place on May 26th.


You can find all the forest marathon results HERE