
Roman Fosti won Tartu Forest Marathon


The most popular distance (21 km) of the Tartu Forest Marathon held today was won by Roman Fosti. Rait Ratasepp triumphed at the royal distance of 42 km.


41st Tartu Forest Marathon 21 km winner Roman Fosti. Author: Aldis Toome.

1022 runners and walkers signed up for the new half marathon course, which started and ended in Elva. With today's sunny weather, the winner of the 21 km race was decided in the last kilometers.


"I have trained here a lot in the old days, these courses were familiar to me. In fact, at half the distance I was sure that I would be second, because it was very difficult. I thought I had to suffer as long as I could so that others wouldn't catch up. But it happened that Rauno got tired, and this time the strength of the marathon runner won," Fosti explained.


Fosti finished with a time of 1:11.33, followed by Rauno Laumets (+00.23) and Ülari Kais (+01.29).


Leila Luik (1:25.35) won the women's competition at a distance of 21 km. Kaari Kink finished second (+03:40) and Jana Treier (+06.58) was third.


Today, 168 runners went for the longest, 42 km distance. The fastest was Rait Ratasepp (2:37.51). Mario Mustasaar (+04.11) finished second and Joosep Tammemäe (+04.43) was third.


"It was definitely not a maximum effort today, but I picked up my pace from the start and started to hold it. Today it was enough to win," stated Ratasepp. In addition, he mentioned that he likes the new trail very much, because it now runs entirely on forest roads.


Among the women, Anneli Ratasepp finished first (03:25.34), second was Liis Siigur (+28.05) and third was Marlen Mäesalu (+28.28).


A total of 2,423 runners and walkers registered for the main distances (42, 21, 10 and 5 km) of the Tartu Forest Marathon.


The next event in the Tartu Marathon Klassik series is Hawawii Express 42nd Tartu Rattaralli, which will take place on May 28.


All today's results can be found HERE.