Sat 17.02.2024

State-of-the-art skiing festival.
More information

Hiking groups

On the 63 km and 31 km classic distances, participants are welcome to join the ski-hiking groups under the support and guidance of an experienced group leader.


Who are the hiking groups for?

They are for anyone who wishes to enjoy the Estonian winter and the beautiful rolling landscape at a easy skiing pace and in good company. 


When and which distances?

The ski-hiking groups will start on February 18th on the 63 km and 31 km classic distances. The 63 km start is from Otepää at 9:20 am, with the 3rd starting wave. The 31 km start is from Arula at 12:40 pm, with the 2nd starting wave. The starting corridor is at the very end on both distances, clearly marked with corresponding flags.


Do you need to register separately for the hiking group?

Register for Tartu Marathon 63 km or 31 km classic distance. And - mark "going" under the FB event of the hiking groups. So that we know how big the groups will be and we can make additional preparations if necessary.


Who is the group leader, and what do they do?

The group leader is an experienced skier (Jarek Jõepera on the 63 km distance; Tiia Teppan on the 31 km distance) tasked with providing moral and informational support to the participants. The group leader encourages and inspires, also provides simple technical assistance if needed.


How does a participant in the hiking group differ from a ordinary participant?

Participants in the hiking group receive a wristband from the starting gate, allowing the group leader to identify them. This wristband also helps group participants recognize each other.


Is there a time keeping for hiking skiers?

Yes. Hiking group participants are like any other participants in Tartu Maraton - they receive all the services provided, including also time keeping. 


What is the skiing speed in the hiking groups?

  • The approximate skiing speed is 8-10 km/h on the 63 km distance, with an estimated time of 7-8 hours. On the 31 km distance, the speed is approximately 6.5-7.5 km/h, and the estimated time is 4-4.5 hours.
  • When joining the hiking group, please ensure you can comfortably ski at the planned speed. The group leader cannot fall behind with an individual skier moving significantly slower than the group; instead, they must maintain the planned speed.
  • If you feel the pace is too fast but you can continue at a more relaxed pace, coordinate with the group leader.
  • If you feel the pace is too slow, you are welcome to leave the group and ski faster. 






