Saturday, February 15th 2025
In Tartu Tähtvere Sports Park
10.00 Hand-out of start numbers and registration
10.30 Limpa Suusakool (obstacle course with ski instructors)
11.00 children 3-4 years ca 400 m (with accompany)
11.10 children 5-6 years ca 400 m(with accompany)
11.20 children 7-8 years ca 1 km
11.30 children 9 years and older ca 2 km
The distances can change depending on the current snow situation.
On-site ski rental available, €5 per set.
PS! The age groups are optional. When picking out a start time for your child, you should base your decision on race distance, rather than the actual age group.
The winners of raffle prizes will be announced during the event.