The sports season of the Tartu Marathon brought together almost 25 000 people
Tartu City Marathon was the last event in Tartu Marathon Cube series 2021. According to preliminary data, a total of 24 526 people participated in skiing-, running-, inline skating-, and cycling events.
Like in last season, this year the organizers also needed to adapt to new circumstances and come up with innovative solutions. Tartu Marathon could take place, because Estonian Government gave a special permission to organize the main day of Tartu Marathon on February 21st. Unfortunately Tartu Forest Marathon and Tartu Rattaralli were canceled due to coronavirus. For the first time, it was possible for adults and children to participate in the events virtually throughout the whole season. For the same reason, the numbers of both real and virtual events are given.
Events that really happened – 13 338 participants
In January, the Government gave the green light for the 47th Tartu Marathon with a special permit. The winter ski party took place on February 21st and 3480 skiers tested themselves at a distance of 63 and 31 km. After 16 years, an Estonian, Mart Kevin Põlluste, triumphed at the finish line again. Among the women, the winner was Tatjana Mannima for the third time. Unfortunately, Open Track, Relay Marathon, 16km and children's races did not get a special permit and were cancelled.
Due to the spread of the coronavirus, the 39th Forest Marathon could not be organized in the usual way, so for the first time an individual run took place from 1st to 10th of May. People could choose between four distances. The trail starting and ending in Elva was marked by the organizers and the participants booked the start time for maximum dispersion on the trail. A total of 608 people participated in the individual race.
The next event that was really organized was the 15th Tartu Inline Skating Marathon in august. A total of 446 sports fans participated in the three main distances. Reinis Znotins (LAT) was the fastest for the second year in a row and Anna Muzyka (UKR) won in the women's competition. 85 young inline skaters took part in children's races.
The events of the Tartu MTB Marathon started on September 12th with the Tartu Relay Marathon, which brought together 78 sports fans. The day before the 24th Tartu MTB Marathon, kids races took place, in which 929 children participated. On September 19th a real bicycle party was held – there were 3 254 cyclists on the track. Gert Kivistik won the Tartu MTB Marathon for the first time and Janelle Uibokand was the fastest woman for the fourth year.
The last event of the Tartu Marathon Cube season was the 10th Tartu City Marathon. The weekend program started on Friday with an entertaining Friday Night Run, where NOËP DJ performed. 1066 people enjoyed the 4 km run. On October 2nd, 2 205 runners and walkers took part in the main distances. The winner of the 42 km distance was Bert Tippi for the first time and the fastest woman was Kadiliis Kuiv for the third year in a row. The Estonian half-marathon champions were also found out at the Tartu City Marathon: Kaur Kivistik and Jekaterina Patjuk.
Virtual events in season 2021 – 11 188 participants
For the first time, it was possible to take part in the Tartu Marathon virtually, and the snow-rich winter made it possible to cover ski kilometers during the entire virtual race from February 8th to March 14th. 778 adults and 1 330 children decided to do the virtual race.
The main day of the 39th Forest Marathon was canceled due to the coronavirus and only individual run took place. In addition, everyone had the opportunity to take part in a virtual run, which took place from 1st April to 16th of May. Virtual run was quite popular – 1 310 adults and 1 588 children participated.
According to the situation, the 40. Tartu Rattaralli took place only virtually. The long-distance rally could be completed from May 1st to June 6th, and a total of 2 771 riders participated. There were 893 little cycling friends who completed the race virtually.
Although the main races of the 15th Tartu Inline Skating Marathon took place on August 22nd, everyone had the opportunity to take part in the virtual marathon on August 13-29. There were 446 adults and 85 smaller skating enthusiasts who decided to take part from it.
Those who wished to take part in the 24th Tartu MTB Marathon could also take part virtually from 10 to 26 September. 436 adults and 775 children decided in favor of virtual ride.
From September 24 to October 10, it was also possible to participate virtually in the 10th Tartu City Marathon. 472 adults and 468 children decided in favor of the virtual race.
The four best results out of six events will be taken into account in the Tartu Marathon Cube series. Indrek Hubel (3979 points) won the men's competition, ahead of Aimar Hussar (3937 points) and Viljar Haavi (3,900 points). The best of the women was Reeda Tuula-Fjodorov (3559 points). Second place went to Anneli Tühis (3360 points) and third place to Mare Ulp (3312 points).
Those who have participated in all six events (including virtual events) will receive a souvenir, a medal and a diploma. Participants who complete at least four events during the season will be awarded a souvenir and a diploma.
The new Cube season starts on December 20, when the 48th Tartu Marathon virtual race starts, which lasts until March 20. Tartu Marathon Open Track is planned for February 13th and the main race day for February 20th.