17.09 - 24.09.2023

Cyclist´s best time.
More information
  • 1. General info

    1.1. Hawaii Express 26. Tartu Rattamaraton (hereinafter RM) is organized by Club Tartu Maraton in co-operation with its sponsors and supporters and according to the competition rules of the UCI, current Race Regulations and decisions of the Board of the Club Tartu Maraton. RM is the fourth stage of Tartu Maraton Klassik.


    1.2. In addition to the main race on 17th of September, there will be a virtual race on 8th to 24th of September according to separate regulations. Registration to the virtual race will not give the right to participate on the main race and vice versa. A participant can take part in one distance either on the main race or the virtual one, but not both.


    1.3. Other unforeseen cases will be solved by the Organizing Committee and the Commissaires Panel.

  • 2. Start place, time and organization. Finish area.

    2.1. 26. RM will take place on September 17th, 2023.

    • 86 km start is given in waves at 10:00, 10:05, 10:10 and 10:15 on Tehvandi Sports Center in Otepää. Everybody can choose the start group (except elite group) by their preliminary finish time.
    • 40 km start will be given in waves at 13:00, 13:05 and 13:10 on Tehvandi Sports Center in Otepää. Everybody can choose the start group (except elite group) by their preliminary finish time. 
    • 21 km start will be given in waves at 10:00 and 10:05 at Palu service point. 
    • For each wave, timing starts at the firing of the start gun.

    • The finish for all three distances is located near Elva, in Tartumaa Tervisespordikeskus.
  • 3. Registration and re-registration

    3.1. Registration takes place: 

    • on Club Tartu Maraton’s website until 17:00 on 16.09.2023;
    • in Club Tartu Maraton until 17:00 on 15.09.2023 (information ph: +372 7421 644);
    • in the race centre at the Lõunakeskus skating rink (Lääneringtee 39, Tartu) on 16.09. from 10:00 till 17:00.
    • On the race day (17.09) at the start areas (registration opens 1,5 h before start).

    • Info about the participation awards HERE.
    • Info about team ranking is available HERE.


    3.2. Re-registration is the alteration of the participant’s name or the race distance. Re-registration takes place:

    • on Club Tartu Maraton’s website until 17:00 on 16.09.2023;
    • in the race centre at the Lõunakeskus skating rink (Lääneringtee 39, Tartu) on 16.09. from 10:00 till 17:00.
    • There will be no re-registration on the day of the race. 
    • Re-registration of person of the same distance is free of charge until end of the second registration wave, later all re-registrations will cost 10 € + difference of the participation fees of distances.
    • Starting under wrong name leads to disqualification!
    • In case of a lost / left behind start number, a 10 € replacement fee must be paid.


    3.3. By enrolling to the Tartu Rattamaraton, the participant confirms the willingness to abide by the current race regulations and gives the permission to use the shot photo and video material for the promotion of the event.


    3.4. With making the entry, the participant confirms the willingness to abide by the Privacy Policy.

  • 4. Entry fees

    Date 21 km 40 km 86 km
    up to 21.08.2023 35 € 45 € 55 €


    45 € 55 € 65 €


    55 € 75 € 95 €
    17.09.2023 65 € 85 € 105 €


    4.1. A discount of 30% from the current registration wave price is available for the youth up to the age of 18 (included), this discount does not apply to the re-registration fee and when registering on the day of the race. For those who registered with the youth discount price, other discounts (group discount etc.) do not apply.


    4.2. A discount of 10% from the current registration wave price is available for groups of 10 or more participants to whom other discounts do not apply. The registration must be done as a group all at once via the registration system of our homepage.


    4.3. Start fee includes: marked course; starting package; time-keeping (only in case of correctly attached time-keeping chip during the whole race); result in the results list (on short race in alphabetical order); service and catering in all SP-s and the finish; awarding (diploma with the name, time on all distances and placing only on 86 km); medal; transport of luggage from the start to the finish; medical service, if necessary; transport for abandoned riders, gold and silver pins according to the statute.


    4.4. In case of waiving the right to participate, the entry fee will not be refunded, but by submitting a doctor's note by 16.09.23 at 17:00, 50% of the paid registration fee will be transferred to the participant's account in the self service environment of Club Tartu Maraton as a credit which can be used to pay for the registration to next races in the Klassik series.

  • 5. Participation rules

    5.1. The choice of the bicycle is free. Moving along the course with a car or other motorized vehicle (including electric bicycle), and/or using other unsanctioned outside help (e.g. a female rider being pushed by a male competitor) will lead to disqualification. Disqualification may also be based on a video recording of the race, which shall be revised before publishing the official race results. 

    • A competitor may start on non-standard cycling equipment (points 1.3.007-1.3.009 and provision 1.3.024 of the UCI CR) only with the consent of the chief commissaire and under predefined conditions, and without endangering other competitors on the race course.
    • The result of the participant who has such consent shall be protocolled separately.


    5.2. Everyone will participate at their own responsibility!  It is advisable to have an accident and/or health insurance. Organizers are not liable for participants’ health problems or damaged/lost personal belongings.


    5.3. Age limit: all riders born in 2008 (40 km and 21 km 2011) or earlier and are sufficiently trained are allowed to participate. In special cases, younger riders are allowed to participate, if they present a written approval from their coach or are accompanied by a parent on the track. 
    Age groups of 86 km: 
    Women: N17 (date of birth 2008-06), N20 (05-03), N21 (2002-1989), N35 (88-84), N40 (83-79), N45 (78-74), N50 (73-69), N55 (68-64), N60 (63-59), N65 (58-54), N70 (53 and earlier); 
    Men: M17 (2008-06), M20 (05-03), M21 (2002-1989), M35 (88-84), M40 (83-79), M45 (78-74), M50 (73-69), M55 (68-64), M60 (63-59), M65 (58-54), M70 (53-49), M75 (48-44), M80 (43 and earlier).


    5.4. Wearing a helmet is obligatory, without it, the competitor shall be disqualified. Disqualification may also be based on a video recording of the event, which shall be revised before publishing the official results.


    5.5. The participants of the Tartu Rattamaraton respect clean and honest sports. The international anti-doping rules are fully implemented in the event, and due to this, the Estonian Anti-Doping Agency ( and other anti-doping organisations have got the right to carry out doping tests among all of the participants.


    5.6. Due to Russia's military aggression in Ukraine, Russian and Belarusian athletes cannot participate in Tartu Marathon events. Exceptions are Russians and Belarusians living in Estonia with a residence permit.

  • 6. Start / finish and on the course

    6.1. Service stations.
    There are 7 service points (SP) on the 86 km course: 1. Matu 12,5 km, 2. Ande 24 km, 3. Puka 34,5 km, 4. Astuvere 47,5 km, 5. Palu 64 km 6. Hellenurme 75 km, 7. RC Cola 82,5 km and 2 sprints: 1. Matu 12,5 km, 2. Palu 64 km.
    There are 4 SPs on the 40 km course: 1. Kannistiku 9,5 km, 2. Palu 18 km 3. Hellenurme 29 km, 4. RC Cola 36,5 km.
    There is 2 SP on the 21 km course: Hellenurme 11,5 km, 2. RC Cola 19 km.


    6.2. Waste areas.

    There will be marked waste areas on the race course before and after every service point and at other specially signed sections. Please dispose your waste (drinking bottles, gel tubes etc.) next to the course, do not throw it to the forest or road ditch, where it is hard to find for cleaning crew after the event. It is prohibited to litter outside of waste areas! Organizers and commissaries have the right to disqualify or fine the violators. Disqualification can also be based on photo or video recordings.


    6.3. Technical service is offered at the start and at all SP-s for free, spare parts must be paid for and are not guaranteed.


    6.4. Medical aid is organized by the Estonian Disaster Relief Team. There are ambulances in the start, in the finish and in all SP-s. If you see someone in trouble on the course, please try to help and let the organizers know immediately or call 112!


    6.5. Lost and found items must be handed over to the secretariat (at the start area) or to SP chiefs (at service points). The lost and found items shall be brought to the finish, where they are stored at the Lost and found item’s post. Lost and found items can also be claimed from Club Tartu Maraton’s office within 1 month of the Rattamaraton.

  • 7. Time limits

    7.1. Time limits for passing the RM course (the calculation of the time limit starts from the take-off time of the last start wave): 

    • 86 km distance - 8 h 30 min, average speed 10,5 km/h.
    • 40 km distance - 5 h 30 min, average speed 9 km/h.
    • 21 km distance - 2 h 30 min, average speed 8,5 km/h.


    Check point closing times   86 km 40 km 21 km

    1. Embach / Matu SP 


    11:30 - -

    2. Ande SP

    24 km 12:45 - -

    3. Puka SP

    34,5 km 13:45 - -
    4. Astuvere SP 47,5 km 15:15 - -
    5. Kannistiku SP 9,5 km - 14:45 -
    6. Hawaii Express/ Palu SP  64 / 18 km 16:45 16:45 -
    7. Hellenurme SP 75 / 29 / 11,5 km 17:30 17:30 11:15
    RC Cola drinking point 82,5 / 36,5 / 19 km      
    Finish 86 / 40 / 21 km 18:45 18:45 12:30


    7.2. The riders, who have not passed the SP before the control time, will be disqualified and transported to the finish by bus.

  • 8. Start groups

    86 km start time

    Start wave

    Preliminary finish time

    86 start groups

    10:00 1st wave less than 3 h Elite group
    10:00 1st wave 3 h - 3 h 15 min 1st group
    10:05 2nd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 3 h 15 min - 3 h 30 min 2nd group
    10:05 2nd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 3 h 30 min - 3 h 45 min 3rd group
    10:10 3rd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 3 h 45 min - 4 h 4th group
    10:10 3rd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 4 h - 4 h 30 min 5th group
    10:15 4th wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) over 4 h 30 min 6th group


    40 km start time

    Start wave

    Preliminary finish time

    40 start groups

    13:00 1st wave less than 1 h 30 min 1st group
    13:00 1st wave 1 h 30 min - 1 h 45 min 2nd group
    13:05 2nd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 1 h 45 min - 2 h 3rd group
    13:10 3rd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 2 h - 2 h 15 min 4th group
    13:10 3rd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) 2 h 15 min - 2 h 30 min 5th group
    13:15 3rd wave (moving towards start line 3 min before start) over 2 h 30 min 6th group


    21 km start time Start wave Preliminary finish time 21 start groups
    10:00 1st wave less than 1 h 20 min 1st group
    10:05 2nd wave over 1 h 20 min 2nd group


    8.1. The start groups for Tartu Rattamaraton are assembled taking firstly into account the safety of the participants.

    • 86 km, 40 km and 21 km start is given in waves. The start groups are based on the preliminary finish time. Everybody can choose the start group (except elite group) by their preliminary finish time.
    • For each wave, timing starts at the firing of the start gun.
    • The right to start in the 86 km elite group shall be awarded to only the cyclists who possess a valid ME or MU cycling licence (issued by a national cycling association that is a member of UCI), top 100 male riders and top 20 female riders from Tartu Rattamaraton 2022. Applications should be sent to by no later than the end of the 2nd entry wave. Later complaints shall not be taken into consideration.
    • 21 km distance has 2 start groups.
    • The start list by start numbers will be issued on website three days before the race.

  • 9. Handout of start materials

    9.1. Handout of start numbers takes place:

    • in the race centre at the Lõunakeskus mall (Lääneringtee 39, Tartu) on 16.09. at 10:00-19:00;
      • on 17.09 at the start area in Otepää for 86 km race at 8.00-9.50, for 40 km race 10.30-12.50
      • in Palu feeding point for 21 km race 8:30-9:50.
  • 10. Transportation and traffic restrictions

    10.1. Participants / bike transportation.

    Special shuttle busses are used for transporting participants from Tartu and the finish parking lot in Elva in the morning of the marathon day to the start location. The transportation of bikes takes place for bus ticked owners with the special trucks which will follow the shuttle bus. Riding the special bus lines is for a fee of 6 €, if purchased previously, and 10 € on the marathon day. The pre-sale of bus tickets is performed at the Race Centre and online. The bus schedules of the shuttle buses are published on the Club’s website by no later than 2 weeks prior to the race.


    10.2. Parking in Otepää is is free of charge; cars are directed to the parking lots in the order of fulfill.  Parking in the finish car park (Elva-Hellenurme 2 km) costs 6 € when purchased from pre-sale, and 10 € on the event day. For buses with more than 10 seats it is free of charge.


    10.3. Traffic restrictions.
    The race course runs mainly on gravel and forest roads, and partially on asphalt. The course is marked at least 48 hours before the start, as stated in the UCI Rules. Roads are open to traffic. Riders must follow traffic rules, signs and the traffic officers’ orders. No team service vehicles are allowed onto the race course, except for the commissaries` and organizer’s cars that have been marked with special markings.

  • 11. Time keeping and results

    11.1.Time-keeping is performed with an electronic timing chip which is attached to the backside of the handlebar start number. The chip may not be removed or damaged in any way. The chip is meant for one-time use only and there is no need for it to be returned to the Organizer after the event.


    11.2. To get the finishing result, the 26. RM start number with the timing chip must be attached on to the handlebar in a visible location from the moment the starting corridor is entered till arrival at the finish. The shape and size of the start numbers may not be altered, e.g. by cutting or folding the edges.


    11.3. Unofficial results will be constantly updated on the information board in the finish area and on the website If your result is missing from the unofficial results, you should inform immediately the Race Secretary. Protests concerning unofficial results can be brought up until 17:00 on the first Wednesday after the race at the Race Office in Club Tartu Maraton. Official results will be issued by 17:00 on the first Friday after the race on the website


    11.4. Individuals who participate under a wrong name and/or start number, use more than one time keeping chip or engage in other unsportsmanlike behaviour, will be disqualified. Race Director and Race Secretary have the right to make evidence-based disqualifying decisions also after the confirmation of official results.


    11.5. The protests concerning the race results, breaking the Rules, etc. must be brought up with the UCI Commissaire of the race:

    • concerning first 200 finishers, within 1 hour after the 200th participant has finished;
    • concerning all the others, until the closing time of the finish.
    • The cost of a protest (except of the ones concerning race results) is 40 €, which will be refunded only when the protest has been met.
    • All protests concerning the race will be solved by the Commissaries Panel.
  • 12. Awarding of the winners

    12.1. Awards ceremony takes place in the finish area according to race programme.

    • At the prize-giving ceremony will be awarded:
      • 6 best men and 6 best women of the 86 km distance;
      • 3 boys and 3 girls of the 40 km distance (W/M16);
      • 3 boys and 3 girls of the 21 km distance (W/M12).
    • Winners will be awarded with cups and special awards.
    • The age group winners of 89 km will be awarded with cups.
    • Sprint winners (best man and best woman) will be awarded with cash prizes or special awards.
    • In team ranking top 3 teams are awarded with cups and free entries to the next event of the Tartu Maraton Klassik. The cups are handed over in the Club Tartu Maraton in the next week after the event. Information about free entries will be sent directly to the e-mail of representative of the team.
    • Cash prizes will be transferred to the winners` bank accounts after the official result lists have been validated and the results of any doping tests have been received. The income tax (20% of the award sum) is withheld from all of the cash awards, in accordance with the Estonian legislation.
    • An athlete who is not present at the official award ceremony loses one’s right to the award.
  • 13. Cancellation of the event

    13.1. ​If the event is cancelled due to a force majeure the participation fees shall be refunded in accordance with the current regulations and rights of the organiser which state that the organiser may deduce the sum used for already made arrangements.

    13.2. In case of cancelling event due to force majeure with an announcement of the cancellation 72 hours beforehand, 50% of participation fees will be transferred to participants’ self service accounts as credit which can be used for next entry fee payments in the Cube series. The credit is valid until the end of the 1st registration period of the next Tartu Rattamaraton.


    13.2.1. ​If the participant does not wish to use the transfer possibilities mentioned under p.13.2. and wishes to be refunded the 50% of the participation fee, he/she is obliged to present Club Tartu Maraton with a proper application in the course of 1 month after the cancelled event’s date. This must be done by post (Laulupeo pst. 25, 51007 Tartu) or by e-mail (

    13.2.2. All private persons whose 50% of participation fees will be transferred to next events are obliged to confirm their registration and pay the rest of the participation fee by the end of the first registration period of the next Tartu Rattamaraton. After the named date no complaints will be accepted or satisfied.

    13.2.3. Participation fees paid by legal entities (enterprises, clubs, etc.) are only to be transferred to next events. This means that they cannot be refunded. People who were registered to the event by a given enterprise will not be automatically transferred. The 50% of fees paid will be transferred to the account of the representative of the given legal entity. The representative of the enterprise is obliged to renew the registration list (make a new group registration) by the end of the first deadline of registration for the following year’s Tartu Rattamaraton. After this deadline it is no longer possible to use last year’s participation fees and no later complaints will be satisfied.


    13.3. A force majeure is considered to be any unpredictable event that the organiser has no control over. The organiser cannot change its time or way of occurrence, control it or stop it from happening (e.g. war, rebellion, strike, fire, flood, earthquake, (snow)storm, downpour or any other act of nature, etc.)

    13.4. If the event is cancelled due to a force majeure no expenditures made to third parties by the participants are to be compensated by the organisers of Tartu Rattamaraton. We advise participants from abroad to purchase a travel insurance that would cover the expenses caused by the cancellation of the event.

    13.5. If the parties cannot find an agreement the discords shall be solved in accordance with the Estonian laws in the Tartu county court.


Maratoni Kodu



