- In 126 km distance there are 3 pace groups with the average speed: 26-27 km/h, 29-30 km/h, 32-33 km/h.
- In 56 km distance there are 2 pace groups with the average speed 25-27 km/h or 30 km/h.
- The speed of pace groups is referential and indicates the average speed of the group under normal circumstances. During the race, the group can move faster or slower, e.g. depending on the weather and course profile. Time spent at service points will not be made up for.
- In both distances, pace groups will start in the last start wave. Check the start times in the program.
- No special registration is needed for joining the pace groups. The decision about joining the group can be made in the morning of the start.
- Assess your physical limits and choose the most suitable group. The group will not wait for the riders who are not able to follow the tempo.
All groups have group leaders who wear black and orange shirts. Group members wear armbands.
The locations of pace groups at the end of the starting corridors are marked with orange-coloured flags.
Before the technical start, there is a pause to gather the group members, after which the pace groups start.
- The participants must obey traffic rules and follow the instructions given by the group leader. Group leaders also advise and help the group members during the race.
When possible, a motorcycle will ride in front of the group to ensure the safety of the riders.
- Participants can use the technical aid offered at the service points. There is no additional technical support for the pace groups.
In case of a technical issue with a group member, the rest of the group will ride on, and the one left behind will have a chance to join the next group.
The two fastest groups of the 126 km distance will not stop together at service points. The slower pace group and 56 km groups will stop at service points for 2-3 minutes and ride on together.
If you feel like leading the group yourself, inform the group leader.
- When approaching the finish, the group will keep the pace and not accelerate to achieve a better finishing time.